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HIXSMUN prioritises innovation, challenge, and pace across its committees. At HIXSMUN'24, our committees will add an element of uncertainty and peril to reflect our theme - A Minute to Midnight. We discuss the fundamental question of existence: of humanity, of societies, or of our environment. Our committees will enable delegates to manipulate the doomsday clock across real and reimagined histories. 

Disarmament & International Security Committee

Disec Final.png

Dehradun Conference

Dehradhun Final.png

Democratic Party 

Democratic Logo Final.png

Prima Acies

Prima Signa Logo Final.png

Assembly of the African Union 

African Union Logo Final_edited.png

Emergency Meeting of the Global Financial System

EMGFS Logo Final_edited.png

Emergency Session of Silicon Valley Executives

SVC Complete Final.png

Acies Primaria Futura

Prima Signa Posterus Logo Final.png

Symposium of Attica

Symposium of Attica Logo Final.png

Republican Party 

Republican Logo Final.png

International Press Corps

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Disarmament & International Security Committee

Biohacking & Use of Genetics in Biological Warfare

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This General Assembly aims to discuss one of the most pressing issues of tomorrow: genetic warfare. The immense power genetic warfare holds in an ever increasingly multi-polar world threatens the very existence of humanity, as it unleashes the unprecedented possibility of systemic, global genocide. The collaborative efforts of delegates in regulating genetic warfare will define whether genetic warfare causes the next “Minute to Midnight” moment for humanity.

Assembly of the African Union

Combating Desertification & Ensuring Water Security

African Union Logo Final_edited.png

Our simulation of the African Union tackles the unprecedented assault on the ecological fabric of Africa. This assault jeopardizes the lives of millions on the continent, as water becomes increasingly scarce and desertification consumes precious, arable land. As the cradle for human civilization, Africa - and its ecological security - dictate the fate of humanity. Delegates are called upon to compromise, collaborate, and take action to prevent “A Minute to Midnight” from occurring on the continent.

Dehradun Conference

Traveling back to 1946, the committee simulates the volatile and palpable situation of India in an alternate reality. What if the United Kingdom is reluctant to part with its crown jewel: India. This committee acts as a channel between Indian and British stakeholders, as delegates on both sides strive to define how India emerges after World War II. This committee leaves the choice of creating or preventing the “Minute to Midnight'' moment in delegates’ hands: will partition, or even independence occur?

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Deliberating on the Future of the Indian Subcontinent

1 August, 1940

Emergency Meeting of the Global Financial System

Mitigating Global Deflation & Recession

27 January, 1931

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This congregation of financial stalwarts of the early 1930s takes us back to one of the most perilous eras in finance: The Great Depression. The era of the Great Depression defined not only modern economics, but also precipitated the rise of authoritarianism. The delegates’ discussions within the committee will define the financial system for centuries to come, and determine whether this era catalyzes “A Minute to Midnight” in 1939: World War II.

Republican Party 

2028 U.S. Presidential Election
7 July, 2027

Now more than ever, each U.S. election has grown to be its own “A Minute to Midnight'' moment for the fight against the degradation of our civic values, an unprecedented assault on our freedoms, and the growing inefficiency of the U.S. government. In our proprietary simulation of the entire U.S. elections process - from the primaries to the final election, we encourage delegates to embrace the political theater and emerge as the torchbearer for the future of the largest economy on this planet - as a Republican.

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Democratic Party

2028 U.S. Presidential Election
7 July, 2027

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Now more than ever, each U.S. election has grown to be its own “A Minute to Midnight'' moment. They determine the fate of the fight against climate change, global tyranny, and the ever-increasing income inequality across America. In our proprietary simulation of the entire U.S. elections process - from the primaries to the final election, we encourage delegates to embrace the political theater and emerge as the torchbearer for the future of the largest economy on this planet - as a Democrat.

Emergency Session of Silicon Valley Executives

27 January, 2030

The Emergency Special Session for Silicon Valley Executives’ (ESSSVE) would tackle the grim possibility of Artificial Intelligence reaching its singularity and how the human race would move forward in a world where it no longer prevails as the apotheosis of intelligence. Our response to the singularity would be the “Minute to Midnight'' moment defining the future of humanity. The committee is a polycentric crisis challenging delegates to balance the individual objectives of their corporation against the need for the very survival of humanity.

SVC Complete Final.png

Symposium of Attica

433 BCE

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This committee is set in a time of Athens’ peril: threats of war with Sparta and its allied states, internal disarray, and an epidemic are all on the verge of ravaging Athens. This is Athens’ A Minute to Midnight moment: on the brink of crisis lies not only Athens, but the very concept of democracy as we know it. This polycentric crisis encourages delegates to form alliances in their quest for power and influence, as they seek to turn the tide against Athens’ impending demise.

Prima Acies

Futurum nostra spes est...

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Acies Primaria Futura

Prima Signa Posterus Logo Final.png

Praeteritum nostrum exitium est...

International Press Corps

In a world controlled by the disseminator of knowledge, the role of the Press is more critical than ever. As a result, the Press is pivotal to the understanding of agendas, events and the happenings of this MUN. The intrinsic role of the International Press Corps is one that catalyses revolution and dictates the course of change.

Members of the IPC are expected to understand and report the proceedings of each committee. Their words, photos and works of art will be covering the event through a birds-eye lens and will record the manifestation (or the lack thereof) of “Minute to Midnight”.

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