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Our Theme
A Minute to Midnight

From disasters of the past to the impending ones of the future, the theme “a minute to midnight” has resonated with humanity for millennia. At HIXSMUN, we wish to channel this sentiment of uncertainty

and crisis: of the past, present, and future, to productive use: to find novel responses to mitigate the problems humanity has faced, is

facing, and will face tomorrow.

Note from the MUN Coordinator

Dear Esteemed Delegates,

Welcome to HIXSMUN'24, themed "A Minute to Midnight". As we delve into both the past and the future, each ticking second brings us closer to the dawn of resolution, or perhaps, to the brink of catastrophe; a fitting sentiment for our challenging theme.

The spectrum of HIXSMUN spans from the ancient to the futuristic, symbolizing the pendulum of time at the heart of our deliberations. We will revisit the past, scrutinizing the intricate, poignant details of history, such as the Partition of India, an event that forever changed the geopolitics of South Asia. Through this exploration, we will not only learn about the power of decision making but will also contemplate the complexities that arise from divisiveness and unity alike.


"A Minute to Midnight" encapsulates the urgency felt across the globe as we teeter on the brink of colossal changes. Yet, it is within this urgency that possibility blooms. It is within the final countdown that the world unites, revealing its potential to innovate, resolve, and transgress boundaries, both physical and metaphysical.

As we stand together on this precipice of time, remember, we have the power to shape both our past, through understanding and interpretation, and our future, through foresight and decision-making. Thus, it is upon us, the delegates of this conference, to prevent the clock from striking midnight; to lead our world safely into the dawn of the new day.

Let us seize these moments before midnight, to learn, to engage, and to make an enduring difference. Here's to a thought-provoking, inspiring, and transformative HIXSMUN.


Dr. Namrata C. Datta – MUN Coordinator

Note from the Senior Leader

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists keeps the Doomsday Clock set at a minute and a half to midnight, a motif for how close we are to the end of the world. The motif reminds us of the importance of dialogue and seeks to warn the public of the gravity of our actions.

While the Doomsday Clock itself is pessimistic, our theme,  ‘A Minute to Midnight’ is quite the contrary in fact! The notion that we still have a minute remaining demonstrates that we have a window, albeit ever shortening, to create change. Our conference attempts to neutralise the threats against humankind and strives to reconcile a new normal.

We believe that the youth has immense potential and if empowered with the right tools, have the agency to change the world for the better.

We aim to do just that through HIXSMUN. 

HIXSMUN’24 presents delegates with challenging problems that beset the world. Young delegates will use their skills of communication and negotiation to address economic, health or environmental issues and will come up with viable solutions for these global crises.

HIXSMUN promises to be an exciting event as the delegates will delve deep into the issues of today. Students will emerge as strong leaders who have it in them to initiate steps towards changing the course of history while developing skills of conflict resolution  and consensus building. 

The team has worked extremely hard under the mentorship of Dr. Namrata Chaturvedi Datta and Mr. Devvrat Badoni. I look forward to the first MUN hosted by HIXS with a lot of enthusiasm. It is always wonderful to see young people taking the lead.

Ms. Jyothi Thyagarajan – Senior Leader, Academics and Student Affairs 

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